Monday, April 14, 2014

T H I R T E E N // T T H I R T Y

this month went by so fast! normally, i take it in slowly and enjoy my birthday month; but between packing and moving, my biggest thrill was being able to see my bedroom floor. work has kept me extremely busy (both of them plus a few freelance projects) so you can guess why i haven't been updating at all in almost a month.

but by the title you can probably guess that i have been anticipating my 30th birthday. i decided to take this week in slow mo leading up to my birthday and reflect on different things that i have learned, things i have accomplished before 30, even take a look at things i wrote when i was 13 to see what my perspective was like (it is full of angst-y humor).

hopefully, this will be of some help to all those twenty-somethings out there who are trying to cram life into ten years from 18-28 because they feel as though life after 29 doesn't exist if you don't have a totem pole of musts chiseled into it.

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